/** Map test **/

Property Search Box Options

NOTE: It's possible some aspects of the three search layouts below are alterable. For instance the colors/sizes of text, color of backgrounds, and padding/spacing can probably be changed and the border radius of the boxes/buttons as well. However, the basic layout of these items probably need to stay the same (where things are situated in relation to each other). If you're curious about a bigger change than I suggest here, then feel free to ask and I can test out any design theory!

Layout 1

Search by Location | Search by Drive Time™
search near me

Layout 2

search near me

Layout 3

Customized property list/slider shows listings by any property search option available

Location seems most appropriate but sqft, beds, baths, etc also options (the listings do not have to be specific to agent).

The button at the bottom is generated by the widget and will say "See More Listings from ________" whatever I call the search goes in the blank.